Active Choices Leader Resources
Workshop material below is for CCDPH Partners only.
Upon workshop completion, email attendance sheet to
If you will NOT be entering class participant data, and participants are NOT using electronic forms, email the completed participant forms to
Register Your Workshop
Leaders can choose from one of the following options to register your workshop:
- Sign in to ILPTH and register your workshop on the classes tab.
- Click here to download a fillable PDF- Fill in the PDF with your workshop information and send to
Course Materials for Leaders
Data Collection Checklist- Instructions for data collection from registration to last session
Attendance Sheet- Use to track participant attendance and forms received.
Session 1 Data Collection Script- To be read aloud to participants during Session 1
Session 1 Virtual Data Collection Script- To be read aloud to participants during Session 1
Photo Media Release- This form is optional; to be used if collecting testimonials or taking pictures. Feel free to edit to add your organization's information English - Spanish
Forms for Participants
Participants can choose one of the following options when completing paperwork:
- Complete a paper form or fillable PDF
- Receive a link to complete an electronic form (through Microsoft Forms)
- Register for a participant portal on the IL Pathways website and complete forms directly in the portal
Note: If you choose to you use Microsoft Forms, the surveys are submitted directly to AgeOptions. AgeOptions will complete the data entry.
Session 1 Participant Registration Forms and Pre-Survey
Option 1:
- Printable/Fillable Participant Registration Packet- English - Spanish
- Printable/Fillable Participant Pre-Survey- English - Spanish - Arabic - Gujarati - Hindi - Urdu
Option 2:
- Link to Electronic Participant Registration Packet and Pre-Survey- Email us at to request a survey link for your specific workshop
- Participant Guide for ILPTH Portal- Instructions that can be sent to participants for completing electronic forms on the ILPTH participant portal
Last Session Forms
Option 1:
Option 2:
- Link to Electronic Participant Post Survey- Email us at to request a survey link for your specific workshop.
Option 3:
- Participant Guide for ILPTH Portal- Instructions that can be sent to participants for completing electronic forms on the ILPTH participant portal (These are the same instructions that are available above for completing Session 1 forms)
Links and Other Materials
Zoom Instructions- (Provided by Rush) For online workshops English - Spanish
Marketing Materials
ILPTH Outreach Toolkit Template- This Toolkit includes templates for flyers, posters, social media posts, etc. You will need to have a Canva account to access the template and create a COPY to make edits (DO NOT EDIT THE TEMPLATE). If you need help doing so, please refer to our ILPTH Outreach Toolkit User Guide.