Savvy Caregiver Leader Resources
After the last workshop session, email attendance sheet, participant registration packets, and any completed participant surveys to Cynthia Ayala at AgeOptions:
Course Materials for Leaders
Data Collection Checklist- Instructions for data collection from registration to last session
Attendance Sheet- Use to track participant attendance.
Participant Sign-In Sheet- Leaders can have participants use to sign-in. Not required.
Session 1 Data Collection Script- To be read aloud to participants during Session 1
Session 1 Virtual Data Collection Script- To be read aloud to participants during Session 1
Photo Media Release- This form is optional; to be used if collecting testimonials or taking pictures. Feel free to edit to add your organization's information.
Forms for Participants
Participants can choose one of the following options when completing paperwork:
- Complete a paper form or fillable PDF
- Register for a participant portal on the IL Pathways website and complete forms directly in the portal
Session 1 Participant Registration Packet
Option 1:
Option 2:
- Participants who self-registered for the class using the ILPTH website already completed these required forms during registration. If the participant did not self-register, then send them a printable/fillable PDF to complete.
Links and Other Materials
Zoom Instructions- For online workshops